Saturday, November 10, 2007

One reason I love theology

I'm listening through a debate right now on infant/covenantal baptism vs. believers' baptism, and was just struck by a thought. One of the things I love about Christian theology is that, if it's true, it is of eternal and utmost importance; if it's false, it is a colossal waste of time. There is no middle ground.

Okay, I'm a geek, but that's my idea of living on the edge :)


Unknown said...

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."
- C.S. Lewis

Aaron Snell said...

Of course Lewis said it first...oh, well - I'll take it as a compliment! Great minds and all that... :)

Unknown said...

Absolutely :)

Monika said...
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Anonymous said...

I am not sure I follow you here. Christianity could be true in some larger sense and yet it still might make no difference (to God) whether one practiced one form of baptism or another.

Aaron Snell said...


The baptism debate was a springboard for my thought, nothing more. It wasn't the question of which view of baptism was right that prompted the post, but rather the observation that Christians are willing to expend a lot of energy on the details of theology (myself included), and hence it is important that Christian theology in general be true - otherwise, that's a lot of wasted effort.

David Cox said...

You are absolutely correct. Theology is very important. In fact it is of most importance. To add some spice to the debate on baptism, I offer the following resources.

David Cox said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to post the same link twice.

Here is the other: